Executive functions enable the brain to answer the questions of "What needs to be done and When?"
They are the "conductors of the mind's orchestra". For children with executive functioning deficits, tasks that require planning, prioritizing, organization, memory, time management, and flexible thinking are very challenging.
Executive skills enable the brain to answer the question of "how?". They tell the brain how to feel, think and act effectively.
Often kids know "what" and "when" to do something, but do not know "how" to get it done. Or they have the "how” skills to do something, but don't know what exactly needs to be done and when.
Executive functioning issues are not uncommon especially in children with ADHD, Dyslexia, and/or Autism. Executive functioning issues aren’t considered a disability on their own.
There are many different ways to help your child improve his or her executive functions. The more you learn about your child's challenges, the better you will be able to support him or her. Since every child is different, a plan to help your child will be very individualized.
If executive functioning is working well and it is a simple task, the brain usually only takes a few seconds to do all these steps above. However, if your child has weak executive skills, performing even a simple task can be challenging. Remembering to pack math homework into the backpack may be as hard as planning tomorrow’s schedule.
Symptoms of executive functioning challenges:
Depending on which skills your child struggles with the most and the particular task he or she is doing, there can be a wide range of symptoms present:
Difficulty with getting started on a task
Can either focus on small details or the overall picture, but not both at the same time
Difficulty figuring out how much time a task requires
Works either too quickly and sloppy or too slowly and incompletely
Difficulty incorporating feedback into work or activity
Difficulty in changing plans, even if the plan isn’t working
Hard time paying attention and easily distracted
Loses train of thought when interrupted
Needs to be told the directions many times
Difficulty making decisions
Difficulty transitioning from one activity to the next
Doesn’t always have the words to explain something in detail
Needs help processing sensations such as sound, visual experiences, and feelings
Can only think or do one thing at a time
Remembers information better visually
Children with well-working executive functioning skills are able to:
Analyze a task
Figure out what needs to be done
Plan how to handle the task
Get organized and break down the plan into a series of steps
Figure out how much time is needed to carry out the plan, and set aside the time
Make adjustments as needed
Finish the task in the time frame expected
Children with weak executive functioning skills find it difficult to:
Keep track of time
Make plans
Make sure work is finished on time
Apply previously learned information to solve problems
Analyze ideas
Look for help or more information when it is needed