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 ~ Stronger Brains Summer Program ~

Use this summer to build a stronger brain to
make learning easier, faster, and more fun!

Now available 

What is the Stronger Brains Program?

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What does Stronger Brains work on?


  • Executive control

  • Focus and sustained attention

  • Working memory

  • Processing speed

  • Social and relational health

  • Emotional wellness

  • Emotion and behavior regulation

  • Health including sleep, exercise, and nutrition

Summer Program Outline




Eleven 90-minute in-person onboarding sessions 


Week 1:  June 5 - June 9

Week 2:  June 12, 14, 16 

Week 3:  June 19, 23

Week 4:  June 28


Following the initial assessment, students begin training in small age-specific groups

( 4 students per group) on the above dates to learn how to use the Stronger Brains Program.

Each training session consists of brain training, a video lesson about brain health, meditation, self-reflection and a mind-body scan, and fun brain games.


July and August:


After the in-person part, students work independently from home on an individualized online training platform for 45 minutes five days a week with weekly check-ins as needed.


After 40 sessions of training, students complete a post-assessment, documenting their improvements in cognition and social-emotional health relative to the initial assessment.




Stronger Brains is a three months (40 sessions) long program that engages students 10 years and older in a series of challenging brain training and social-emotional learning exercises, tailored to strengthen the core neurocognitive skills required for academic success and high-quality mental wellness.

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