Unfortunately, when children are not taught the reading code correctly, they end up either using an incorrect decoding system or having to develop their own.
Perhaps you will recognize yourself or your child frequently making one of the following errors when reading:
Assembling word parts- The most common type of reading strategy in 3rd grade. The child breaks the word into small pieces. Often these are not real words, and letters are used in several word parts. ‘Plank’ is read an ‘plan-ant’ or ‘literature’ is read as ‘lit-rat-ture’
Common pronunciation errors- These are accurate and phonetically correct decodings or irregular spelled words.
‘ honey’ is read as ‘hone-ee’ or ‘there’ is read ‘theer’
Whole word guessing- The child reads the first letter(s) accurately, and guesses a known word, which is similar and length and form.
‘Fork’ is read as ‘food’ or ‘spoon’ is read as ‘span’
Limited code knowledge- The child has an incomplete knowledge of the spelling code. As a result, they will write the correct number of sounds, but the incorrect spelling.
‘made’ is written as ‘mad’ or ‘pout’ is written as ‘pot’
Complete guessing- Gussing at words based upon the context.
‘the’ is read as ‘fun’ or ‘big’
Letter naming- The child reads the word by saying the letter names.
‘Punch’ is read ‘peeuhenseeaetch’
The shortcomings of all common approaches currently used to teach reading leaves one big question: Is there an approach that works? Is there a system “beyond phonics”? Does a reading program exist that teaches the code correctly? Will it teach all students to read and spell quickly and efficiently?
We believe that the answer to all of these questions is a resounding ‘yes’! But we must urge you not to leave this to chance. Unless children are systematically taught, they will adopt some type of reading strategy, whether right or wrong. Thus, we must be certain that they are being taught correctly.